Friday, April 30, 2021
Z is for Zoe
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Y is for Ylynessa
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
X is for Xylanthe
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
W is for William
Monday, April 26, 2021
V is for Varwyth
Saturday, April 24, 2021
U is for Undine
Friday, April 23, 2021
T is for Thomas
Thursday, April 22, 2021
S is for Seraphix
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
R is for Rhane
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Q is for Quartz
Monday, April 19, 2021
P is for Phaedra
Saturday, April 17, 2021
O is for Oleander
Friday, April 16, 2021
N is for Nathalie
Thursday, April 15, 2021
M is for Map
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
L is for Leiwell
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
K is for Kevin
Monday, April 12, 2021
J is for Jupitre
Saturday, April 10, 2021
I is for Iama
Friday, April 9, 2021
H is for Hector and Harold
Thursday, April 8, 2021
G is for Grace
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
F is for Faith
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
E is for Emma
Monday, April 5, 2021
D is for Danyel and Dyvian, Not Tayel
Danyel: No, he’s no longer called Dayel. Our scribbler changed his name so readers wouldn’t have as hard a time telling our names apart. That doesn’t mean he has to leave.
Tayel: A single letter shifts yet not my purpose.
The darkness swirls like a whirlwind in slow motion only to dissolve and part, revealing Dyvian standing in the center. Dressed in a black velvet tunic and trousers with a ruby ring upon his fingers. Moon-pale hair caught back with a little dark ribbon, revealing high cheekbones, a generous mouth, and coldly prismatic eyes flashing with bits of color which are muted, diminished as they swim in his irises.
Dyvian: What is purpose in the face of the darkness? Don’t you long for the shadows’ embrace? Thrilling you, terrifying you? Can’t you feel their power? For I have always been the ally of a god, little ones, even when I was first conceived.
Danyel: Seraphix isn’t a god. Not yet. There’s some question whether Their original self, Serphamis was truly the God of Balance. Even if you were Their Voice, Their Vampyre.
Tayel: Names changes yet motivations remain, even when they’re obscured.
Dyvian: (smiling) Be very grateful that’s not true, little one, considering what the Vampyre planned to do to both of you.
For a moment he leers, seeming to sprout fangs, eyes turning blood red. Danyel and Tayel shrink back.
Dyvian: Be glad my intentions toward you are far less dark in Tales of the Navel.
Tayel: Less depraved, no less dark.
Dyvian: You are certainly darker, little Tayel. Even before your name changed, you were changing.
Danyel: (stepping slightly in front of his twin) Tayel has never been dark, even if he scares us at times. I already said why our scribbler changed his name from Dayel to Tayel. She was just trying to be considerate and so is Tayel! He may have secrets, but he keeps them because he’s tryig to protect the rest of us.
Tayel: (looking away) Consideration has seldom been my concern. Clarity and closeness are. Only the dark see darkness in others.
Dyvian: You could be speaking of yourself, little one as much as I. The truth is you are no longer the same any more than you belong with the letter D.
Tayel: (glowering at Dyvian. No matter what your eye seeks, no matter what your Voice calls for, or how often you grab for the bright innocence nearby, I shall stand in your way.
Dyvian: Mine wasn’t the seeking eye, nor the grabbing hand. We’re drifting from our topic, my dears, which is our origins. Two roleplaying games or interactives stories where I hunted you in the name of my god.
Danyel: Only now we’re in Tales of the Navel, a series of stories which may not be ours, even if we are major characters in it.
Tayel: Born from shadows, we could not replace that shadow. Once more he rises to eclipse us.
Dyvian: How prettily you put it. Alas, it’s not my shadow you speak of.
Danyel: It’s not that pretty, what we’re saying. Nor is it fair. We stole Christopher’s story from him.
Tayel: (letting out a low growl) No. He gave his story to us. We’re his creations, moving to his purpose.
Danyel: Why do you always speak as if Christopher was up to no good? It’s not that simple.
Dyvian: No, it isn’t. Not with Christopher. Not with me. Too often you forget this when it’s me.
Tayel: Forgetfulness is a bliss offered to those more fortunate.
Danyel: We forget nothing. Just because you’re no longer a vampyre coming after us doesn’t mean you’re not coming after us.
Tayel: Strike against what we hold dear and you’ve offered a challenge we cannot turn away from.
Dyvian: How possessively you speak of a man who isn’t truly your brother. You presume a great deal, wrongly, if you think my love for Leiwell is any less than yours.
Tayel: Your love drains the will and blinds conviction.
Danyel: You play the devil with him. You’re trying to tempt Leiwell with something, lure him away from us.
Dyvian: Well, well. How gratifying to learn you are as jealous of me as I am of you. In past incarnations, Leiwell always betrayed me for your sakes. What do you think he’ll do this time, hmm?
Danyel: He’ll do what he feels is right. He always does.
Tayel doesn’t answer.
Dyvian: Will he? And just what is right? What does he think is right?
Danyel: (crossing his arms and glowering right back at him) What do you?
Tayel: Righteousness is blind. The heart tries to see what is obscured by feeling.
Dyvian: Often I believed I was doing the right thing. What my god wished.
Danyel: Did you?
Tayel: Justifying depravity in the name of right is a mere veil you wrap around your eyes.
Dyvian: While you see more than you ever wished to. Tell me, little one, do you believe in Leiwell as much as your more innocent twin? Do you have faith in him?
Tayel doesn’t answer.
Danyel: Tayel?
Tayel won’t look at his brother.
Dyvian: (softly) Some things never change. No matter what incarnation we’re in. This is why you cannot hold onto Leiwell.
Danyel: (turning on him with an almost savage fury, the glow in his hand fierce) I can. Can you?
Tayel: Everthing shifts and changes including our faith and our grip.
Dyvian: Fine. (spreading his cloak) We’ll see whose is stronger and tighter.
The three end gazing at each other as the mists come between them, the darkness swallowing Dyvian while the gray fog claims Danyel and Tayel. The twins grip each other hands tightly before they disappear.