I haven’t forgotten this Cauldron. I return to it every April for Blogging From AZ April Project.
This year, it’s going to just this Cauldron since my other Cauldron is otherwise engaged. The subject is Character Complaints. Some of the characters will be the same. Others will be different. All of them will voice their grievances, irritations, problems, etc in the story they’re part of.
I’m giving my characters a chance to vent, along with me a chance to reacquaint myself with their grievances. They get to scold me along with anyone else they’re annoyed with.
Complaints lead to conflict and fuel for the plots. They may even give me ideas as we go along.
Enjoy the April rants of these fictional folk. They often shout these complaints inside my head, kicking at my imagination. :) They all want a little more story time.
Time to blog, blog, bloggy blog about them, giving them a little attention.