Saturday, March 26, 2016

Snippet from 'A Symposium in Space'

Here is my six sentence contribution to Rainbow Snippets. It's from 'A Symposium in Space'.

“Phaedra!” Sokrat scolded. She had remarkable presence of mind, considering the Timea was being fired upon. “We’re going to miss Agathea’s symposium, along with her teleportation nexus!”

“I’m going as fast as I can!” I growled. I pulled on the shift stick to avoid another orange beam. They were stun rays, not killing blasts. 


  1. Oh my. Someone doesn't want them to go to the symposium?

  2. This sounds like it's going to be a fun read.

  3. This looks such fun. Why stun though, rather than killing? Slavers?

    1. So glad you asked! (wicked grin) I'd rather show the answer with another snippet than tell. :) I've promised more of 'On the Other Side of the Mirror' for next Saturday, April 2nd, but I'll try to post another snippet of 'A Symposium in Space' on April 9th. 'Try' is the operative word, since we're starting my husband's birthday celebration quite early that day, but I'll see what I can do. :) In the meantime, I'll drop this much of a spoiler, if you've read Plato's 'Symposium'. The captain of the ship firing on Phaedra and Sokrat is called Alkibiadea. ;)

  4. There's a lot going on for such a short bit! I want to know who's after them and what they want.

  5. Thank you! I'm really glad you're enjoying it! I'm going to do my very best to post more of this on Saturday, April 9th, but it's going to be hard, since I'm going out very early with my husband and my family that day. Hmm, maybe I'll post my snippet on Friday, April 8th? Afterwards, posting the link to here at 'Rainbow Snippets'? That might work. (looks thoughtful)

  6. This is really fun. I love the contrast in their priorities--late to the symposium versus being fired on! The names are great too.

  7. Thank you! Sokrat has reason for being a little less worried, as you'll see in the next snippet I post. :)

  8. Lots of action here! Can't wait to see what happens next.

  9. Thank you! :) There will be a little more of this on Friday, April 8, 2016. :)
