Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Paula's Prompt: A Mantis's Vigil

On November 14, P.T. Wyant posted at a Wednesday Words prompt involving a praying mantis, a dog, and steps.

This poem was the result...

She sits upon the steps
Claws folded in prayer
The dog barks at her through the window
Not fooled by her display of piety
She might seem small, easy to crush
Yet her claws bring an end to her tiny paramours
Ready to decaptitate any lovers
Not that this matters to the dog
A bug’s love life is of no concern to her
Just that this creature insists on hunting on her porch
This porch belongs to the dog 
Along with all her humans inside
Only a door stops her 
She cannot run this murderous lover off
All she can do is voice her disapproval
A growling chorus of one
Meant to scare off the amourous
Alas, the mantis isn’t frightened off by such sounds
She continues to sit on the steps
Relishing her power as she waits
Until an unwary foot comes down and squashing her

Putting an end to her bold vigil. 


  1. Very creative! But I hope she doesn't really get stepped on. ~grin~ Happy Writing!

  2. Thank you! I figure if readers would like to imagine a happy ending of her getting out of the way in time, they can. :) Happy writing to you, too!
