Wednesday, September 5, 2018

#QueerBlogWed: Paula's Prompt

On August 8, 2018, P.T. Wyant posted at a Wednesday Words prompt, the phrase 'outside my window'.

This poem was the result...

You wait outside my window
A hungry reflection of myself
A shadow that vanishes if I look too close
Or perhaps I’m the shadow
Wasting an existence that you covet
A hollow echo of your deep, resounding need
I move to your desire
Never delivering your satisfaction
While you wait beyond the glass
Crying out for more. 


  1. Nice! Really well done. I wish I wrote poetry like that. I mostly just stick to prose. ~grin~ Happy Writing!

  2. Aww, thank you! (blushes) I adore poetry, although there's not as many opportunities to publish them. I'm working a few right now which I hope to submit (crossing my fingers)
