Victor: It’s not so much—
K.S. Trenten: (from backstage) Quartz! It’s one thing to call me a scribbler. It’s quite another to use it on someone else’s writer…or author.
*Victor’s eyes narrow over his shoulder from where the voice came from and sighs.*
Quartz: Right. (mutters) She’s getting jealous…again. Like she’s the only person ever called a scribbler. (raises his voice) So…M.D. Neu. What’s his imagination like? How would you redecorate his head if you could?
Victor: His imagination is a mix of… there are no real words I suppose. However, he does enjoy the male form quite a bit and he has what I would consider an unhealthy fascination with all things Disney. *dusts off a piece of link from his suit jacket* If I were to ‘redecorate’ I would focus his thoughts on what’s really important. He has a talent for storytelling and if he focused more on what people want; sex, I think he could do quite well. I’ve seen who his inspiration is for some of his characters and I certainly wouldn’t mind having a go at them.
Of course, back to your first question, before we were interrupted, I wouldn’t say the author irritates me. On occasion, I vehemently disagree with his choices, but in the end it seems to work out… for now.
Quartz: That main character you cope with in your story…
K.S. Trenten: (mutters) It’s actually Christopher’s story…
Quartz: Right. (mutters) Another Christopher, taking center stage…figures. What’s something truly annoying about him? Any ideas on how to change it?
Victor: Is she going to be like this the entire time? *He waves off any explanation or expected apology* Chris isn’t so much annoying, he’s… well if he were under my care I wouldn’t allow all the wallowing and self-doubt. Chris is powerful and we need to harness that power. The things I could do with him once his powers are fully realized. The thing with us Dark Immortals is that we are fractured. That is the one thing the Light understand, they have a strong powerbases. If I could rein in the whole of North America like Juliet has done… *leans in and stares Quartz square in the eyes* with Chris and his talents it could happen and I wouldn’t have to worry so much about what the likes of Sahin, Betty, Masko, Pedro, and JoaquĆn are up to. Cause I’d know. Chris could help me get there. *his eyes narrow and his lips pull up in a hint of a smile*
Quartz: Who are they? The scribbler read about Sahin but-
Quartz: Who are they? The scribbler read about Sahin but-
Victor: *waves off the question* Ah, correct, you don’t know the rest of my Lieutenants yet. I suppose the Author didn’t feel they were important until now. Anyway, I would say Chris is a bit too nice. *he shrugs* still I doubt I would change that. It’s quite charming and sweet. I suppose he reminds me of being human, which I don’t actually mind especially these days.
Quartz: What one’s thing you like about this Christopher? Other then he tastes like chicken?
Victor: He—
K.S. Trenten: One, Christopher is a vampire. I’m not sure if they eat each other in this universe. Second, Quartz, you’re a fantasy character from Fairest. What’s with the contemporary jokes?
Victor: *Crosses arms over his chest.*
Quartz: I’m interviewing a vampire from a contemporary setting. Not to mention we’re kicking down the fourth wall by even talking…so do vampires eat, or drink each other in this universe?
Victor: Oh, I can speak now? Are you sure? *Looks at Quartz then over his shoulder to where the mystery voice appears to be coming from.* Yes, we can eat, human food, if we choose to, it has no taste so it’s akin to eating air, I suppose. It’s a talent we have to relearn and practice at to blend in with the humans. And no, we do not tend to drink from each other, unless it’s during a Calling.
Quartz: Back to Christopher…what do you like about him? Or, at least find somewhat entertaining about him?
Victor: Chris is powerful, even if he doesn’t fully realize it yet. That is why Sahin is afraid of him. I’ve never seen Sahin as scared of anyone as I’ve seen him of Chris. The opportunities with shuch power, I hope to see them more and see what he is capable of. You know, Quartz, the saying keep your friends close but your enemies closer, that is how I feel about Chris. I want him as close to me as I can get. He’s not an enemy of course, but I want to keep him as close as I can, in case I need him. That is why I allow him and Kirtus to spend time together.
Quartz: If you could change something in this book your scrib…author is working on, what would it be? For that matter, if you could go back and change any one scene in The Calling more to your satisfaction, what would it be?
Victor: For this current story he is telling? Hmm. He has such a favorable slant on the Light. They are far from perfect. If you ask me they are more conniving and backstabbing than any of the Dark. Juliet is not the goody-goody he has shown her to be. Yes, of course she beautiful, sweet and perky, but there is a darkness there and I’m glad we are seeing more of it in this story. It’s about time.
A scene in the first book. *Sighs* Oh, there is one scene I’d change in a snap of my fingers, not out of sentiment or anything like that, but pure convenience. It’s the bit with Daniel. I would completely change that. Why couldn’t it have been Tim or Terrie or one of the other Light. Nope it was Daniel and that annoyed the hell out of me. If I could have reached through the pages and Bitch Slapped the author I would have. I wasn’t pleased with that scene. Good help is hard to find. Of course I got even, you should ask the author how well he slept for the next few nights. Oh yes, I got my pound of flesh for that.
Quartz: Any embarrassing stories about Juliet, the head of the Light vampires you’d like to share? Like spilling a drink on Sulla during a party or belching during a sacrifice in honor of Venus?
K.S. Trenten: Must you be so crude? Also, stop picking my brain for historical facts from a different time and places than your own.
Quartz: Your brain is mine to play with, scribbler and this is beyond the fourth wall, like I said. Well, what undignified moments has your counterpart forgotten about which you like to chuckle over?
Victor: Juliet and her Hippy Magic. Ah there are some stories I could tell you about her, but now doesn’t feel like the right time. Perhaps, the Author, will find it in him to tell a story about Juliet and I. Now that would be a page-turner. *chuckles*
That said, there was this time when Juliet had needed my assistance it had to be maybe 100 years ago, perhaps more, it was before Amanda was around. At the time, I was living in San Francisco. Anyway, she had gotten a little blood drunk and ended up sleeping with a rather important political leader of the time when he was in San Francisco, oh the implications. If it wasn’t for me the newspapers would have had a field day, and I, of course, willing to help, had to… well… do what we Dark do and make it all go away. It was quite the embarrassment for Juliet and when I reminded her of it later, Gregor decided to step in… ah well I moved to San Jose shortly thereafter.
Quartz: Any plans for the future you’re willing to divulge?
Victor: Sadly, nothing I can speak of now. It was an agreement I made with Author. But, I will say, the universe he has created will not be the same once he’s finishes this new story. Many things will be up in the air and even I’m a bit curious how he’s going to keep all the rabble under control. I’m also worried that more blood will be spilt and good people will die. I don’t I have anything to worry about, but the others. *Victor shakes his head.*
Quartz: Last and most important question. How do you get your writer to do things when he’s being stubborn, distracted, and uncooperative?
Victor: If I knew that, I would have a series of my own stories by now. As it is he’s waited until Chapter nine, or is it Chapter ten to bring me back into the fray of things. Well, that’s not quite true, but I can’t speak more of it. Promises and all.
*Victor leans in again* Before we depart ways, I want to say you are not nearly as annoying as I had heard and this wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be, which is lucky for you, because legend says Fairy blood is delicious.
Quartz: (manages to turn a gulp into a humph...barely) Bet you say that to everyone from reinvented fairytale. (mutters) And yet for all that he's a vampire of the Dark, he's still more cooperative than Map or those bloody nisse with all their demands for rice pudding.
(Various snickers and sounds come from backstage, only this time it's not me...)
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