Wednesday, October 2, 2019

#QueerBlogWed: Paula's Prompts

On August 7, 2019, P.T. Wyant posted at a Wednesday Words prompt involving mushrooms, a boat ride, and a locked chest.

This poem was the result...

Join us on the boat ride
We’ll pick you up on the bank
Smell the mushrooms stewing in the pot
Not even the sea breeze can chase away the odor
Just let it drift up your nostrils
Trickling the edges of your brain
You may catch a glimpse of the locked chest
Our captain insists it’s here
Sitting on this boat
Even though not one else can see it.
She’s not sure how to open it
Insisting the contents whisper to her in her sleep
Promising riches, access to lost secrets
Perhaps she’s consumed one mushroom too many
They’re much stronger if you eat them
Even after they’ve been stewed
I’ve never dared to breathe too deeply
To taste more than a bite of stew
They should be perfectly harmless, those mushrooms
That’s what everyone says
Yet why can you see the chest out of the corner of your eye?
The one only the captain sees
Don’t let it trouble you, just enjoy the boat ride
Ignore the hissing whispers in your ear
Remember it’s just the wind

No matter what it might promise you. 

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