Don’t look at me like that. You think I’m just an old man with stooped shoulders, some feeble mortal who needs his wife to care for him. I’ll have you know I onced ruled the heavens, reigned over all the gods by the power of my lightning bolt. Once I could have any woman I desired along with the best and most beautiful of boys. Now look at me. I’m some village idiot, tied to the apron strings of my wife, barely consulted on anything let alone worshipped. This village, Omphalos which I’m in the process of building isn’t worth the bother. Only my wife wants it built and many a fetching wench is involved. What’s more, Seraphix wants this village built and Seraphix is the key to returning to my old self. Yes, there may be consequences but so what? There are always bloody consequences. I’m tired of being small and unimportant, I, whose wrath once shook the earth! Now I’m barely noticed. I’m just the creepy pervert Juno is married to. Melyssa’s father, a father who can’t even control his son, what’s his name? Thomas? Is that ugly little bugger really mine? I don’t think so. No, this life is an elaborate ruse created by Dyvian to replace the missing chunks from my old life. Not that this life or anything in it matters. Not even my wife, who’s the only part of it I recognize. She’s had her fun, her triumph, her revenge in trapping me in this existence, this village; I, who could once become an eagle or a shower of gold, seducing and seizing my conquests! She’ll not keep me here, not I. The ones who gave her power over me can fall, just as I fell. It’s just a matter of waiting for the right moment, until those arrogant favorites of fate allow themselves to be toppled. I just have to watch and be ready. After all I have Seraphix and Seraphix shall not disappoint me, no, she won’t. She’ll do as I bid, as I wish, restoring me to glory. After which, I may set my wife aside and have Seraphix take her place. We’ll see how much Juno likes that, oh yes.
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