Change is part of Our nature. The reason We’re here now as “We” and no longer an “I” is because of you, Our worshippers. You shaped Us, melded Us, shattered Us into many talismans with different faces, only to bring Us together. Our form, Our nature, Our very godhood alters according to each of you, each Follower, what you desire Us to be. The only thing you do agree upon is that We are a god. You need Us to be one, so We can grant your wish. We need to grant your wish so you can go on believing in Us.
We weren’t always this way. We were just a shadow once, a shadow drifting beyond the Door, feeding on dreams and memories. We recall Christopher, perhaps from a time before We were a shadow. Dyvian was obliging enough to create an entire mythology for Us, an origin story involving Christopher, Christopher breaking Our heart. Our Voice is very talented at doing such things. We remember our Voice when he was Dyvian for he’s the one of the first things We recall. He was once a semi-divine being himself beyond the Door, an entity known as Once Upon a Time. Only he became as much a devil as a god in the eyes of those whom he would have worship him. Perhaps that’s why he gave up his godhood to Us, convinced Us to become a god in his stead. After all, two of his would-be worshippers were far more kindly disposed towards Us than him. We wouldn’t have grown as strong as We are if not for Danyel and Tayel, Our little Hand and Eye. We must have them amongst Our Followers. Dyvian is Our Voice, he speaks and acts for Us in Omphalos, but We wouldn’t have a Voice or anything else without the twins. Besides We want them. We fell more than a little in love with them when We met them in The Hand and the Eye of the Tower. Alas, they’re the ones that doubt Us. They’ve done so much for Us, yet they’re unwilling to draw Us out, to take Our talismans, to make their own wishes. Instead they help others with their wishes in A Godling for Your Thoughts? At least they’re not Our enemies, although they’re far from the faitful allies We’d hoped for. They’re far more inclined towards Our goals than that brother of theirs, Dyvian’s precious Leiwell, who actually took Our talisman. I suspect an outside force is interfering with Our bond with Leiwell, an outside force is turning him against Us, or perhaps it’s an inner force? I caught a whiff of someone off him, someone who smells like an old rival, triggering images I’d thought long gone. Wait, We just called Ourselves “I”, why did We do that? What is it about this force within Leiwell that makes Us remember a time before Us? This entity may stop Us yet from achieving our godhood with these memories it’s stirring up, memories We’re reminded of in My Tool, My Treasure. These memories could bring a halt to Our dreams and plans. We’re only as strong as Our Followers are, as the faith and hope you entrust Us with. Do not let Us down. Do not let yourselves down. Do not let this entity infect you or Us with doubt. Believe in Us. Believe in Us and make Us, all of Us strong.
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