Wednesday, April 18, 2018

P is for Phaedra

Hello! Phaedra here, protagonist from our creatrix’s published short story, A Symposium in Space. Only it’s expanded! Hopefully I’ll be the main character in an up and coming novella by the time you read this. 

What are my goals? I’ve been asking myself that question. I think I discover them in the course of my story. 

The first is to change my relationship with Pausania. I’m not happy with how things are going, but I don’t want to lose her. 

The second is to attend Agathea’s symposium. I’m curious why she invited me along with Pausania. Why would one of the wealthiest, most powerful citizens of the Intergalactic Democracy invite either one of use to a private dinner party? What is she planning?

The rest of my goals I’ll discover as I go along. What a discovery it is, though, involving a space pirate, a wandering philosopher, and the space ship of my dreams. Plus I’ll explore the very nature of love itself in a form I can literally taste. 

Don’t take my word for it. Look A Symposium in Space when it comes out in an expanded form. Discover along with me just what my goals are. 

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