Saturday, April 3, 2021

C is for Caerac

Someone is knocking on your tomb Someone is ressurecting your old bones Can’t these younglings let you rest in peace? They’ve got no respect for their elders or former adventurers All you had to fight for, all that built the Keep you enjoy A fortress of walls keeping out the monsters you fought Now there’s Trouble at Caearac Keep and the monsters won’t stay away You never protected anyone, you were one of the monsters Bashing goblins’s heads in and stealing their treasure Just what were you doing in the dungeon any way? Goblins and kobolds have rights too They were only protecting themselves from greedy invaders Goblins and kobolds may have rights but not the undead The righteous young cleric with the bloody hand made that quite clear You’d better not tell her all of your secrets She’s listening to far more than she can handle from your lost time Those boys adding their energy to hers are all the more confusing They have an air which reminds you far too much of Corwyth The dread vampire everyone fears has risen You remember when he was a cleric himself, a righteous idealist Oh, the tales you could tell them, making their hair fall out Your own hair is long gone along with your life You’d much rather rest in peace.

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