Monday, April 12, 2021

J is for Jupitre

Once you were the greatest of the great The power of the lightning bolt came alive in your hands You cast down the monsters who’d devour you Raising yourself to lofty heights Taking the woman closest to you as your bride Taking whomever struck your fancy, willing or no Once your worshippers trembled, now they dwindle You have dwindled along with them Cast to the the earth, reduced to a mere man The slave of she whom you once ruled All you dream of is getting your power back No one fears or respects you any longer What are earthy delights compared to heavenly ones? How can these mortal creatures smile, hope? They are mysteries to you, perhaps they’ve always been Why else would you come to their world and dally with them When you have all the delight and power of the heavens? Of course you seek a Door to your desire Leading you back to what you were You fear being amongst these frail mortal dreams Fear getting close to them, weeping their tears Their sweat reveals a secret you can almost taste A secret that you’re not ready to learn. A Godling for Your Thoughts? All your thoughts are lost wishes Reaching out for something constantly out reach.

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