Friday, April 23, 2021

T is for Thomas

Bat-eared, scowling at everyone before they can scowl at you Filled with ugly notions of the way things should be A Godling for Your Thoughts? Your own mind doesn’t appeal to you It disgusts you as much as the rest of you does Exploding with fury, unable to express it You’re reduced to hurling rocks at those too weak to fight back You’re learning what seems weak can be deceptive Blocking your bluster with a tiny hand Questioning your notions with quicksilver thought They do it all with a force you can’t overcome Fragile, too beautiful to be boys, you’re no match for them You’ve always sensed that beauty was power An evil power you’d never possess All you could do was yearn for it Sensing it would always reject you Only Seraphix came to you, a Voice, a talisman Offering to make all your dreams come true You can be as beautiful as they are You can bring them all their knees Humbling them as they’ve humbled you A part of you wonders if there’s more to it You don’t care to listen to this part You’ve trapped inside your own body for too long You’re ready to break out, to become something better To become the very embodiment of your dreams If you can trust yourself to wear them If your own inner poison doesn’t leak through.

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