Saturday, April 8, 2023

G is for Grace

Wind Me Up, One More Time is what Theodora Bear growls in her silent stuffed animal way. Maybe I do, too. When I need to see things someone else’s way. When I need a story to make sense of something. I’m very fond of stories. My sister, Nathalie is good at telling them. A story a day keeps bad things away. Like gears that might grind you up. Or Iama the Terrible. Especially when Iama doesn’t know she’s being terrible. She may be just scared or lonely. Sometimes it takes more than story to wind her up, help her find her growl. Or her voice. It may take a miracle. Or a stuffed animal, like my Theodora Bear. We all need help finding our growl sometimes.

If you’d like to hear our story (mine, Theodora’s, Nathalie’s, and Iama’s), you can find it here…

Mischief Corner Books/Shenanigans Press:



Barnes & Noble:


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